Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Behold, a female robot created in Korea:

"EveR-1 is designed to resemble a Korean female in her early 20s, according to a KITECH press release. Fifteen motors underneath her silicon skin allow her to express a limited range of emotions, and a 400-word vocabulary enables her to hold a simple conversation.

The android weighs 110 pounds (50 kilograms) and would stand 5 feet, 3 inches (160 centimeters) tall—if she could stand. EveR-1 can move her arms and hands, but her lower half is immobile."



Fantod said...

This is more of a doll than a robot, IMHO. Dolls are scary.

The only thing scarier than dolls are clowns. I'm really not looking forward to the day they invent a 110 pound robotic clown doll.

Fantod said...

'Nuff said.

Fantod said...

Oh my. I just had to do a blog search and I found someone who calls him/herself Scary Toy Clown. But since I was searching also for "robot," I got, specifically, this post.

Not for the robotically faint of heart.

5th Estate said...

I had a roommate once who fits this description perfectly- 5-3, 110 lbs, a 400-word vocabulary and ( I'd been told by those who knew her more intimately) an immobile lower-half. ( "Like a dead starfish" is the phrase I remember). But my roommate was a very dear girl, a sweet human being.

It is interesting how different technologies are presented to the public.Imhop a robot is 'cool" as long as it is still clearly a robot. The closer it gets to not being a robot the creepier it is.
Making a "female" robot may package robotics as being nothing to fear, but once the groundwork is laid bring on the "male" robot and then it's time to panic.
Once there it's only a matter of time before robot-robot sex ensues and then she'll be like " why hasn't he data-transferred me?" and he'll be all like "the input -output was wild, but there are plenty of ports in the network". Good luck, robots! The closer you become to your creator's the less logic will be a factor. You'll be more cursed and less joyous than your creators.

KEvron said...

she got a sister?
