Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Outrageous Politicizing of Science!

Sadly, I must report on another outrageous government intrusion into scientific affairs. Yesterday, Executive Order 13422 went into effect that gives political appointees the final word on federal science regulations. This will promote and foster the continuing climate of political interference of scientists at federal agencies,

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is on the case, delivering letters
to two Senate committee chairs calling for questions to be asked at the confirmation hearings for the nominee to head the Office of Management and Budget.

"We have a corps of highly trained scientists in federal agencies. Why would we want to undermine their expertise and authority?" said Francesca Grifo, director of UCS's Scientific Integrity Program. "This executive order greatly expands the power of the White House to weaken the ability of federal agencies to protect public health and safety..."


Heather Kirkwood said...

Sorry to read this, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I had intended to throw my hat in the ring and send in a YouTube presidential debate question - but alas, we had a lot going on and I didn't get it done. Hmmmm.....maybe for the Republican debate in Sept. So much to ask, so little time.

Thought about sending in one regarding the NIH budget - I'll be there in August and thought about filming it from my room there - too dramatic??? Grin!

eyedoc333 said...

Heather-sounds like a cool idea. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Doc. Just droppoing by to say hi and see how you are doing.

About your post ... Do these guyz really believe that science is just opinion, just political opinion?

At some point a philosophical argument can be made that it is, but these guyz clearly don't understand that concept. For them, I think it is all about raw power, and the necessities on holding onto a base for that purpose. They're not even embarrassed about the conceptual fallacy in their over riding serious analysis with dubious beliefs ...

Psychologically or developmentally, wanting one's way this crudely, matchs rather well with a 2 to 3 year old child, learning about self and others. However, when present in an adult, it is often encompassed under some sorta sociopathic label ...

Who coulda ever imagined this level of regression taking hold in any 'advanced' western democracy, before 2000?

"W" ... the Taliban of the western world!


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