Dear Eyedoc333,
A terrorist group called the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) recently took credit for driving a UCLA scientist to leave behind his research employing non-human primates. Like many others in the biomedical research community, this scientist and his family were terrorized at their home for months.
Acts of violence, intimidation, and harassment against researchers have a chilling effect on animal research everywhere. As such, passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is more critical now than ever. This legislation would allow federal authorities to help prevent, better investigate, and prosecute individuals who seek to halt biomedical research through acts of intimidation, harassment, and violence.
Visit CapWiz, an on-line legislative action center, provided to you by the Society for Neuroscience: http://capwiz.com/sfn/home/
(apologies--for some reason the link doesn't seem to work!)
Thank you in advance for your participation!
For some reason, I can't get the CapWiz link to work... Sorry!
If God turns out to be a mouse, I'm in trouble! We've been raising money for mouse research for some time, and are finally ready to start offering grants through the American Thoracic Society. Yeah! The mice might not be as thrilled.
I've got a picture of an HPS mouse in my office - my little tribute to all the thousands of mice dying on my behalf. It's either them, or me.
Hi Heather!
I hope the mouse research leads to new and effective treatments for HPS.
Grin! Me too! It's been an exciting year in HPS research - we've just got to keep the momentum up. I'm leaving tomorrow to go to NIH (a.k.a. Club Med) to be a human mouse for a week! I get a much nicer cage though - it has internet access and a TV! What more could a girl want?
Psst-- the deleted comments were spam ads, just so ya know.
Actually I don't see why there needs to be a new law in this regard--were an accredited research biologist inclined to experiment on creating an army of chimpanzees with microchips embedded in their brains and frickin lasers attached to their foreheads, wouldn't such a law also protect mad scientists from concerned citizens?
Personally I'd suggest considering applying or refining existing laws first.
Or, it might be fun to investigate these activists with regard to how they have benefitted and may continue to benefit from "non-human primate research". I wonder if they are all vegan's? Plants are people too!
(N.B. I don't approve of lipstick being tested on rabbits, but I appreciate lipstick on a woman, and rabbit isn't nearly as tasty as chicken which I'd prefer to be free-range but,,,well there you go)
"....deleted comments"
I've done a little research on ALF and I've concluded they are "not normal". I also note that PETA gives them funds. It's seeme like ALF functions as a sort of military affiliate of PETA which seems to resemble a cult more than anything else.
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