Morgellon's Disease is described by patients as the appearance of multi-colored fibers on the skin, accompanied by the sensation of crawling bugs. There is a debate as to the nature of this disease. Some physicians feel that it is "delusional parasitosis", in which patients imagine that bugs are crawling on them. Biopsies of skin lesions do not show any known pathogens, yet 90% of these patients test positively for the bacterium that causes Lyme Disease. Antibiotic treatment and even the antipsychotic drug Risperidone have been used, with some measure of relief. Yet, the underlying cause of this disease remains unknown.
Is it natural to regard new (or previously undetected) diseases as “delusional” despite physical evidence to the contrary?
There seems to be great resistance to accepting new diseases, or even new explanations for old diseases (eg. a bacterial cause for ulcers).
Resistence to medicinal discoveries and diseases are based on whether the discovery of either adheres to common known accepted scientific and medical theories or practices. Those comfortable with what the originally practiced, haveto rewire their processes to accept something outside the box.
Part of this may be due to correcting the orignal perception that medicine was a hit or miss occupation based on superstition, a few proven natural remedies, and no diagnostic tests other than symptoms and history. 120 years ago in the Americas we had our snake oil salesmen, con artists, and quacks that would damage the public health for profit.
(Where in contrast we with hold medical care nowdays unless its for profit)
According to the article, the fiber is composed of a cellulose material, Wikipedia describes this as organic, and carbon based...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellulose. besides being a normal component of plan life, Cellulose is produced and used by a category of animals known as Tunicates.
So far we do not have a public record of the composition of patient presented fibers, vs composition reports for physician obtained fiber specimens. We do have electron microscope evidence, but know record of checmial analysis.
I am pleased the CDC has undertaken the opportunity to conduct a study and Epidemiological study, but I am disturbed that this presentation was introduced as part of a televisioned freakshow, inviting the medically untrained individual to "Be the Doctor" Its as if they are trying to expound second guessing physicians, after all what is 10 years plus of training have to do with a little faith , and "How I feel"
Its bad enough we have commercials for new drugs advising us to consult with a physician to prescribe the next solution for growing old, but to say "You be the Doctor" to an audience who couldn't tell a hot flash from a Heat Injury is a bit irresponsible.
*turns over blog to Dunc*
with all those typos...no thanks this is your baby, and by god no paternoster?...pattibonbon? pattern itty?
No alimony payments unless the dna stands true..
Holy cheeses not only do I get to post but I found Dunc as well.
Is Eric Havingnocchi suffering from Morgellon's?
It occurs that may be the source of all the extra threads.
Sheik Jabouti
thats a lot of gnocchus to consider,,
Wow! Interesting. And to think that all this time I thought it was due to my heroin addiction. ;)
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