Scientists are exploring new stem cell treatments to promote cartilage repair in damaged knees. The cartilage-like meniscus, the knee's shock absorber, is commonly damaged through sports injuries and arthritic disease. Approximately 800,000 people per year in the US have surgery to remove all or part of the meniscus. Fifty-five of these patients are now enrolled in a two-year study at the University of Southern California to determine whether an injection of bone-marrow stem cells can stimulate repair of the meniscus.
Eligible patients, aged 18-60, were enrolled prior to knee surgery. One week after surgery, some patients received a single injection of Chondrogen (a commercial preparation of adult bone marrow stem cells), whereas others received a placebo injection that contained no stem cells. Knees with and without stem cell treatment were examined by MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to check for meniscus regrowth over time.
This is a double-blind study, meaning that neither the patients nor their doctors will know which injections contained Chondrogen or a placebo until later in the study. The double-blind strategy encourages unbiased interpretation of the results. Early results of the study, funded by Osiris Therapeutics, are expected out in October 2006.
Stem Cells!?! How many babies are they killing to commit this heresy??
But seriously, this would be fantasic. I'd be surprised though if surgeons aren't secretly hoping it doesn't work.
heh. you said "joint"!
internet junkie you knob head
they are using adult stem cell so no precious embroyos are being sacrificed you tosser
by the way surgeons will still have a part - people still require meniscetomies before the stem cells are injected.
You should be prevented from breeding you are so dumb !
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