The latest research from the Salk Institute shows that fisetin, a chemical found in strawberries and other fruits and vegetables, can stimulate long-term memory pathways in mice. This is interesting in terms of the potential for fisetin in memory enhancement in dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. From Science Daily:
Besides strawberries, fisetin is found in tomatoes, onions, oranges, apples, peaches, grapes, kiwifruit and persimmons. While eating strawberries sounds like an enjoyable alternative to popping a pill, Maher [the lead author] cautions that it would take about 10 pounds a day to achieve a beneficial effect, which might prove too much even for the most avid strawberry lovers.
I love tomatoes.
I love strawberries.
*sees something shiney*
i'm doing my own study on strawberries. it involves cheesckake....
What were we talking about? I forget...
*eats strawberries*
I'll get right on it....
Strawberries? Strawberries? Is that the best you can do?
Try to remember that was how the Caine Mutiny started.
Try these recipes.
Endocannabinoids and ghrelin are potent appetite stimulators and are known to interact at a hypothalamic level. However, both also have important peripheral actions, including beneficial effects on the ischemic heart and increasing adipose tissue deposition, while ghrelin has direct effects on carbohydrate metabolism. The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a heterotrimeric enzyme that functions as a fuel sensor to regulate energy balance at both cellular and whole body levels, and it may mediate the action of anti-diabetic drugs such as metformin and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists. Here we show that both cannabinoids and ghrelin stimulate AMPK activity in the hypothalamus and the heart, while inhibiting AMPK in liver and adipose tissue. These novel effects of cannabinoids on AMPK provide a mechanism for a number of their known actions, such as the reduction in infarct size in the myocardium, an increase in adipose tissue, and stimulation of appetite. The beneficial effects of ghrelin on heart function, including reduction of myocyte apoptosis, and its effects on lipogenesis and carbohydrate metabolism, can also be explained by its ability to activate AMPK. Our data demonstrate that AMPK not only links the orexigenic effects of endocannabinoids and ghrelin in the hypothalamus but also their effects on the metabolism of peripheral tissues.
Titu the Aztec Jew.
I was workin' part-time in a 5-and-dime
My boss was Mr. McGee
He told me several times that he didn't like my kind
Cuz I was a bit 2 leisurely
It seems that I was busy doin' somethin' close 2 nothin'
But different than the day before
That's when I saw her, ooh, I saw her
She walked in through the out door, out door
She wore a Strawberry Shortcake Beret.
The kind U'd find in a second hand store
Strawberry Shortcake Beret.
And if it was warm, she wouldn't wear much more
Strawberry Shortcake Beret
I think I love her
Did somebody say cheese cake? Oh man, 10 pounds of strawberries. My colitis is cramping at the very thought! But, I do love strawberries. If my gut could take it I could easily polish off a pound or two. Grin!
Whatcha know about cinnamon for people that have blood pressure issues & diabetes?
Is there a credible source for this latest panacea?
I worry when people in the office tell me that essence of lavender oils rubbed on the soles of the feet is a cure
(never quite sure if its for athlete's foot or baldness - but worrisome when "reflexology" makes a comeback).
The saving grace, is that they are usually these weird "Libertarian" types that create their own reality.
Personally, I scoop a pound of strawberries in my shoes about once a week! (I find that even when I don't know where I am going - my feet now seem to remember ;>).
Cinnamon tastes good, but I haven't heard anything about the health benefits.
Perhaps they were referring to capsacin rather than cinnamon?
It actually has uses other than spraying it in the eyes of protestors.
Releases endorphins, relieves inflammation etc.
My recipe for "Afterburner Chili" is known to cure just about anything.
Bun Bun.
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