Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a blinding disease of the retina affecting 1.75 million Americans (1). Vision loss in AMD occurs due to the death of light-sensing cells in the central part of the retina, the area of highest visual sensitivity. In order to test new treatments before trying them in humans, an "RCS rat" was developed by the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) that undergoes retinal cell death and visual loss that, in some ways, resembles retinal diseases seen in humans.
In a study led by Dr. Raymond Lund's group at the Moran Eye Center in Utah (2), human embryonic stem cells were modified to become specialized retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. These RPE cells were injected into the eyes of RCS rats at an early age, prior to the onset of disease, to see if they could prevent the death of retinal cells over time. For comparison, a control group of RCS rats received an injection of liquid that did not contain RPE cells.
Two weeks after the injections, all groups of animals were tested for their ability to react to light and generate the electrical signals that indicate processing of visual information. RCS rats receiving RPE injections were better able to detect and process light signals in the retina than were control RCS rats. The cellular structure of the rats' eyes was examined under a microscope. Animals that received RPE injections had fewer retinal cells die over the course of the experiment than control RCS rats. Further analysis showed that the injected human RPE cells partially prevented the death of the rats' own retinal cells. In summary, it appears that human embryonic stem cells may hold promise for new treatment strategies that target blinding retinal diseases such as macular degeneration.
1) http://www.nei.nih.gov/eyedata/pbd4.asp
2) http://www.liebertpub.com/publication.aspx?pub_id=9
"With Lucentis and Avastin already available... who needs it?"
considering the fact that the stem cell experiments have involved only lab rats, thus it's rate of success in human subjects is as yet unknown, your flippant question would seem a bit premamture, no?
"Is it gonna cost less that $2K per injection?"
either you're so woefully misinformed that you actually believe research scientists set market prices for pharma, or you knew otherwise but chose to play the dolt anyway (ignorant seems to suit you quite nicely). which was it?
your routine feels forced.
Oh dear, you've got Farmer John visiting you... good luck with that. Eeek!
Do you often channel Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, dear, or is it just because you can't figure out who's feeding me info? I read your little "list", Gail. Frankly, you've fallen further into my trap than I thought you guys were capable of.
My god, how far into the ground are you willing to run the Ranch in order to root out a traitor? And better question, why?
All you've proven to me and anyone else with brains is that Julie is a fucking nazi and you guys are stormtroopers...so I'm claiming victory over Camp Groupthink.
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