Sunday, March 11, 2007

Organ Donation = Shorter Prison Sentence?

There is a move afoot to offer convicts shorter prison sentences in return for a signed organ donor card. Now, I'm an enthusiastic supporter of (posthumous) organ donation. But there's something about the quid pro quo that doesn't sit well with me.

What do you think?

Am I just being lily-livered?


Anonymous said...

Hy Doc:

Can I get one order of Kidneys with a side of FAVA BEANS to swing?

Squid Pro Quo Clarice
Squid Pro Quo.

Bun Bun

PS: How's your Flicktanule?

eyedoc333 said...

Hiya, Bun!

Still taking eyedrops, but getting better....

InternetJunkie said...

Is that the idea they're tossing around in the Carolinas... Home to Strom Thurman and Eric Rudolph.

What more could you expect?

Heather Kirkwood said...

Hey Doc!
Thanks for saying hello today!

I agree. As deperate as the organ situation is, there's just something a little creepy about this. So, if they get out early and change their minds, what happens then?

There are a number of transplant centers that are now turning down "paired" kidney transplants. I'm still trying to understand what the problem is with paired donation. Maybe there's an angle I haven't thought of yet.

Another little problem in the transplant world that burns me up is that Medicare will usually help pay for a transplant, but isn't always adaquately covering the anti rejection medications afterwards.

I met up with the first HPS lung transplant person in February. He's four years post transplant and doing great! He cracks me up. When he first went for his transplant evaluation, he told the transplant team not to worry about his HPS bleeding issues because his HPS was "mild." Ha ha ha ha !!! Never mind the fact he can't breathe - it's mild! Yep, if I get there, that's what I'm telling'em. Apparently it works.

Unknown said...

it's the first step to the horrors of turning into components.

gives new meaning to "Body Shops"

Anonymous said...

Sunshine said...
it's the first step to the horrors of turning into components.

gives new meaning to "Body Shops"

The politically correct term is
Modular Mammals.

I should have seen this coming when everybody started talking about buying "PLASMAS".

I can't even afford an HD upgrade where the hell am I gonna get a Pancreas when I need one?

KEvron said...

yeouch! a little too orwellian for my tastes.

(cue pythons)


Unknown said...

buy soylent green futures