At a nerd party...
Everyone gravitated toward Newton, but he just kept moving around at a constant velocity and showed no reaction.
Einstein thought it was a relatively good time.
Coulomb got a real charge out of the whole thing.
Cauchy, being the only mathematician there, still managed to integrate well with everyone.
Pauli came late, but was mostly excluded from things, so he split.
Pascal was under too much pressure to enjoy himself.
Ohm spent most of the time resisting Ampere's opinions on current events.
Volt thought the social had a lot of potential.
Heisenberg may or may not have been there.
The Curies were there and just glowed the whole time.
van der Waals forced himself to mingle.
de Broglie mostly just stood in the corner and waved.
Stefan and Boltzman got into some hot debates.
Everyone was attracted to Tesla's magnetic personality.
Compton was a little scatter-brained at times.
Bohr ate too much and got atomic ache.
Watt turned out to be a powerful speaker.
Hertz went back to the buffet table several times a minute.
Faraday had quite a capacity for food.
Oppenheimer got bombed.
Kepler eventually got 'round to the ellipse, something Copericus had not calculated on. Socially, those close to Kepler moved in faster circles, than those more removed ...
There's no place like OHM.
Quite the scientific pun fest ...
Like Aristotle, you seem to be finding your NATURAL POSITION ...
It brings a NEW TONE to the history of science
What is a NERD PARTY?
What someone with an adenoid problem get's invited to
Schrodinger complained that you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a dweeb.
Hi thhanks for sharing this
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