The amount of food you eat in a serving seems to be linked to the size of your eating utensils. A group of nutritionists received invitations to an ice cream social and were not told that they were to be part of an experiment on food serving size. They were given different sized spoons and bowls and then asked to serve themselves. The results were intriguing....
...Researchers believe their findings result from the human perceptual tendency to judge object sizes based on comparisons with neighboring items. Participants in the study, for example, served themselves 31 percent more ice cream when they were given a 34-ounce bowl instead of a 17-ounce bowl. Their servings increased by 14.5 percent when they were given a 3-ounce spoon instead of a 2-ounce utensil. When given both a large spoon and big bowl, they served themselves 56.8 percent more. Yet they were unaware of the greater ice cream quantities.
This study comes from the Georgia Institute of Technology and will appear in the September issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
leave it to fj to reduce it down to something it isn't. nuts to you.
i'm currently engaged in a similar experiment of my own. my study also involves cake....
SUbject x
Let them eat cake!
Interesting, especially as I'm about to crawl back on the diet wagon...uhhhhh!
Sheik believes it has more to do with the size of my ass than the size of my bowl.
HY Tripp.
I love studies that prove common sense.
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