It is believed......................... I think
It is generally believed.........My colleagues and I think
There has been some discussion...Nobody agrees with me
It can be shown......................Take my word for it
It is proven.....................It agrees with something mathematical
Of great theoretical importance.....I find it interesting
Of great practical importance....... This justifies my employment
Of great historical importance........This ought to make me famous
Some samples were chosen for study.....The others didn't make sense
Typical results are shown............The best results are shown
Correct within order of magnitude...... Wrong
Values were obtained empirically...The values were obtained by accident
Results are inconclusive....The results seem to disprove my hypothesis
Additional work is required.....Someone else can work out the details
It might be argued that.........I have a good answer to this objection
The investigations proved rewarding..... My grant has been renewed
Additional work is required.....Someone else can work out the details
I miss my toadies!
"most intriguing"....what was that middle part?
who knew that scinece was such an exact science? No, wait... who knew that some believe that science is not empirically conclusive unless proven to be so by a peer review of like-funded investigators supported by the efforts of neophyte undergrads still struggling with their own theories about how money gravitates towards a singularity of status quo bounded by a matrix of potential that inevitably succumbs to the entropic force that maintains the stasis of what is at any given instant?
Or is that just me? I dare anyone to prove me wrong!
who knew that scinece was such an exact science? No, wait... who knew that some believe that science is not empirically conclusive unless proven to be so by a peer review of like-funded investigators supported by the efforts of neophyte undergrads still struggling with their own theories about how money gravitates towards a singularity of status quo bounded by a matrix of potential that inevitably succumbs to the entropic force that maintains the stasis of what is at any given instant?
Or is that just me? I dare anyone to prove me wrong!
Heh. Too funny.
pssst... you shouldn't give away all the secrets of your profession this way.
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