The plagiarism story (see below) is the buzz of this conference right now. I actually found one other conferee whose wife's article was similarly Shanghai'd to a Chinese journal.
I've heard back from the editor of the journal where my article was originally published. He said, "I too share your shock and outrage. If possible, could you forward a copy of the paper that appeared in the Indian Journal as well as contact information for its editor. If your allegations are verified, I will vigorously defend your intellectual property and the copyright of material published in our journal."
It's nice to have a Harvard professor on your side.
I registered at the Indian journal's website (no fee, thank goodness) and downloaded the plagiarized pdf for posterity. I figure that when the article is retracted, I'll still have it to show students as a lesson in research ethics.
Meanwhile, I leave you with a nice photo of Niagara Falls for no particular reason. I'm headed back to Seattle tomorrow and then home on Sunday....
That's from when we met!
(a) Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, or other matter which—
(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct;
April Fools!
(he's in so much trouble!)
Yes, the pic is from our meet-up, NOI!
One of them, anyway. I notice you left the one of you dancing on the table for Loonies and Toonies out. ;-)
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