Greetings, Coconuts! I'm on my way to a stem cell conference in the Pacific Northwest for the next ten days. I will have my trusty laptop with me and plan to check in every day. I promise to give you some of the latest updates from the conference and my overall impressions. In the meantime, I present a colorful photomicrograph of a bone marrow stem cell (shown above). If you have any questions about the world of stem cell research, I'll be happy to answer them.
Update: I just spent a wonderful day with Snerd Gronk, a friend from the Franken blog. He took me on a grand tour of Vancouver, where we saw the steam-powered clock, the waterfront, Stanley Park, University of B.C. and botanical gardens. Thanks, Snerd!!
Tomorrow, it's off to the stem cell conference!
If you have any questions about the world of stem cell research, I'll be happy to answer them
Is it as exciting as I hear..."Days of our 1/2 lives" exciting, or what?
Yes, ma'am! I'm just beside myself with anticipation...
Don't rain on my parade! ;)
Wet tee-shirt contest at the Stem Cell Conference!
Yes. I wonder if the naysayers will find another reason that this new technique is immoral.
here's the story, 'doc. sounds very promising.
Great pic! On first view I thought it was a tidal pool anemone. Happy and safe travels to the Left Coast!
Greetings from Vancouver!
I'm meeting up with Snerd today.
Tomorrow is the start of the stem cell conference. I'll bet there will be more info on the new stem cell technique.
Thanks for the link, KEv.
JD: German scientists believe that they now have the ability to produce stem cells from the sperm of mice which in turn mimic embryonic stem cells. If this pans out with humans it may alleviate the controversy wrt stem cell research.
Eyedoc: Yes. I wonder if the naysayers will find another reason that this new technique is immoral.
SG: In spite of the willingness of most males to produce copious amounts of the stuff, I think the argument will go like this:
A Tail of Copy Cat Mice Sperm
Since mimicry and cloning can both be described by this definition,
"One that copies or closely resembles another, as in appearance or function …To produce a copy of; imitate closely",
then it is rhetorically true that mice sperm cell mimicry of embryonic stem cells is in fact a cloning of stem cells, and therefore equally immoral.
p.s. I am also just back from meeting Eyedoc in Vancouver ... Quite a delightful encounter.
Needless to say, we want pictures and gory details...
oh crap. i forgot to remind 'doc to be sure to look snerd in his good eye....
it's a fair cop....
I see that I need to keep my eye on both of you!
What, exactly, are you keeping your eye on?
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