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New Theorem

The Constant Consonant Theorem
The number of consonants in the English language is constant. If omitted in one location, they are displaced to another. When a Bostonian "pahks" his "cah," the lost r's migrate southwest, causing a Texan to "warsh" his car and invest in "erl wells."
I am digging this!
*bows humbly*
*rips pants*
I'll be here all week. Try the veal!
Innit that an herbal tea? "Constant Consonant"?
eyedoc333 said...
*bows humbly*
*rips pants*
Could you step in front of that mirror over there, please?
That would be a bad reflection on me.
I was just wondering if the moon was still in the seventh house...
No, but there's a ring around Uranus.
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