I think it's high time that I present a new post here from the mountains of British Columbia, where I am attending an international conference on stem cell research.. The first scientific speaker of the conference began with a slide of Bush saying "Stem cells??". It provoked audible snickers from the audience. Yes, Bush's "culture of life" stance is the laughing stock of the civilized world. Thank goodness there are some countries in the world that are allowing easier access to human embryonic stem cell research. In the UK, for example, both the House of Lords and House of Commons have approved human embryonic stem cell research.
In 2001, the United Kingdom amended the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act to permit the destruction of embryos only if the research satifies one of the following requirements:
- Increases knowledge about the development of embryos,
- Increases knowledge about serious disease, or
- Enables any such knowledge to be applied in developing treatments for serious disease
It does sound reasonable. Are you and the other scientists going to be smooching on the subject matter on those fine looking benches?
Seriously, 1, 2, or 3 all sound reasonable.
Since when does reason have a place in Bush's America?
It is very interesting to hear of these inner workings in the stem cell world. I hope you will continue to be a portal of us, here.
Research and medical break throughs have caused us to look anew at who we are. In fact medical research has been able to make the arcane field of philosophic ethics relevent, again.
Attempts, such as the critierion in your article, exempify our attempts to define that which is good and benefical in us, as we project ourselves into the unknown. For me, this is a deeply human thing.
It is particularly intriguing to have the opportunity to be at a this table, with our own personal translator. Keep the articles coming.
"permit the destruction of embryos only if the research satifies one of the following requirements"
check me if i'm wrong, bub, but nobody's doing it simply to get at the toy prize at the bottom of the box, are they?!
You are correct, KEvroniuses.
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